Orthopädie am Rhy

Basel, Rheinfelden, Liestal

Jaroslaw Boronzcyk

Specialist in orthopaedics
Deputy Dr. Moritz Dau
Ultrasound, pain therapy, chirotherapy
Focus: Conservative therapy

Since 1/09/2017 deputy for Dr M. Dau in the Orthopädie am Rhy practice in the Parkresort Rheinfelden/Switzerland

Since 1996, own orthopaedic practice with a focus on osteology, rheumatology, pain management (and until 2004 arthroscopic surgery and foot surgery)

1995 - 2016 representation in various orthopaedic practices in Germany

1993 - 1995 junior doctor, orthopaedic doctor’s practice Dr K. Lehnhardt in Bad Dürrheim

1991 - 1992 junior doctor at the trauma surgery department at Villingen-Schwenningen Clinic

1984 - 1989 junior doctor in the department of Orthopaedics and trauma surgery at Bielsko Hospital in Poland 

2010 qualification in pain management

2005 qualification in osteology with a focus on osteoporosis (DVO)

2001 qualification in acupuncture

1999 qualification in chiropractic therapy (MWE)

1997 qualification in sonography, supporting and locomotor organs (DEGUM)

1989 Specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery (official German validation 1996, official Swiss validation 2017) 

• German Society of Orthopaedics and Orthopaedic Surgery (DGOOC)

• German Society of Manual Medicine (DGMM)

• Umbrella Association for Osteology (DVO) EI 

You can reach me at this location:


Appointments by arrangement

Switchboard hours:
Monday to Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Orthopädie am Rhy im Parkresort, Roberstenstrasse 31, CH-4310 Rheinfelden

Phone: +41 61 / 833 75 00

Mail: ortho.rheinfelden@hin.ch

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Orthopädie am Rhy