Interventional pain therapy(Infiltrations on the spine)
Many patients suffer from chronic back pain (or pain in the legs) despite many years of conservative and sometimes surgical therapy. The reasons for this are as numerous as they are complex. For example, disturbed pain processing and transmission at the cellular level, biomechanical disturbances (e.g. herniated disc), degenerative changes or the consequences of operations interlock. Interventional pain management can relieve chronic back pain where other treatments have failed.
Interventional pain therapy can usually be carried out on an outpatient basis on one or more appointments. In a minimally invasive procedure under X-ray or ultrasound control, drugs are targeted to the affected structure (e.g. in the facet joints, in the spinal canal or on painful nerve roots). This so-called infiltration takes place over the skin with a small needle. If the exact structure that causes the pain is reached, there is immediate pain reduction.
The focus is on the safety of the patient. Conscientious planning and modern technical and apparatus measures ensure, with complete information, a good medical result and a high level of satisfaction for our patients. The humanity and professional quality ensure a trusting and respectful cooperation. People are perceived as having ailments and are treated comprehensively on an individual basis.