Orthopädie am Rhy

Basel, Rheinfelden, Liestal

Your specialists for spinal problems

The spine is the central support of our body.

Multiple structures work together to provide flexibility, strength and stability while protecting the spinal cord and nerves. On the one hand, it is a complex marvel of nature and, on the other hand, it is prone to wear and tear and pain, especially due to overload. 

Acute and chronic back pain place particularly high demands on an effective treatment option. The various causes of back pain affecting the entire spine (from the cervical spine to the thoracic and lumbar spine and the coccyx) can be examined, diagnosed using the appropriate technology (X-ray, ultrasound, MRI, etc.) and appropriately treated.

We develop individual and multimodal treatment concepts and achieve good results even in complex or seemingly hopeless cases. Proven and modern conservative and, if necessary, interventional treatment methods are used. In the case of severe back pain, we use ultrasound and injections guided by image converter to achieve rapid pain relief. We inject pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs directly into the affected area. We usually thus achieve rapid pain relief and require low amounts of medication. Biological regenerative medicine, especially autologous blood therapy using PRP, plays an important role in achieving lasting improvement. Manual medicine/chiropractic techniques are also used. Complicated and stressful operations can usually be avoided. If surgical treatment is necessary, this is carried out by our experienced cooperation partners.

Spine – an overview of our treatments

The “facets” are joints between the vertebrae. They have a good blood supply and there are many nerves running through them. This means that wear processes can lead to severe inflammation and thus to considerable pain, some of which radiates into the legs.

The facet joints of the lumbar spine in the lower back, along with the SI joint and intervertebral disc, are the most common cause of lower back pain. Facet irritations lead to facet arthritis or activated facet arthrosis (spondylarthritis and spondylarthrosis). Arthritis also increasingly overstimulates the surrounding structures, for example the dorsal root ganglion, resulting in a whole cascade of further painful consequential changes in the deep fasciae, the deep muscles, the intervertebral discs and the sacroiliac joints.

A facet syndrome or the facet joints must therefore always be viewed, assessed and treated as a functional unit together with their fasciae and muscles as well as intervertebral discs and involved spinal nerves! The same applies of course to the cervical spine.

Interventional pain management »
Multi-modal therapy »
• Manual medicine/Chirotherapy »
• Autohaemotherapy with PRP or ACP » 

Further information about facet joints »

The intervertebral disc has a buffer function and makes the spine flexible. Over time, wear-related tears can occur on the intervertebral disc and the gelatinous core can leak into the spinal canal. If this core presses on the surrounding nerve fibres, pain occurs along the nerve (mostly in the leg or arm) or even symptoms of paralysis. Sciatica or lumbar sciatica occurs in the lower lumbar spine and brachialgia or cervicobrachialgia in the cervical spine.

Interventional pain management »
Multi-modal therapy »
Manual medicine/Chirotherapy »
Autohaemotherapy with PRP or ACP » 

he intervertebral discs begin to degenerate early in life: They lose their water content and thus their elasticity and are also more susceptible to the first signs of wear and tear. It is common knowledge that the body is a little smaller in the evening than in the morning: This daily "shrinking" goes hand in hand with the gradual loss of water in the intervertebral discs due to the weight of your own body when you are in an upright position. However, all of this is completely normal and does not usually cause any symptoms.

Interventional pain management »
Multi-modal therapy »
• Manual medicine/Chirotherapy »
• Autohaemotherapy with PRP or ACP » 

Further information about facet joints »

In SI syndrome, the pain is caused by diseases of the sacroiliac joint. It is known as either the sacroiliac joint (SIJ) or the iliosacral joint (ISJ). This may be inflammation of the joint, wear and tear of the joint (SI joint arthrosis) or a disorder in joint function (dysfunction) or the joint position (SI joint blockage). The symptoms can also radiate to the pelvis or buttocks, but also to the thighs and lower legs. Once the cause of the pain has been determined, the symptoms can generally be treated well. Complaints in the lower area of the spine and buttocks, for example after long periods of sitting or standing, often arise in the sacroiliac joint.

Interventional pain management »
Multi-modal therapy »
• Manual medicine/Chirotherapy »
• Autohaemotherapy with PRP or ACP » 

Spinal canal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal. The lumbar spine is usually affected and less often the cervical or thoracic spine. Symptoms are back pain, discomfort and weakness in the legs, which become more pronounced after running and walking for a while.

Interventional pain management »
Multi-modal therapy »
• Manual medicine/Chirotherapy »
• Autohaemotherapy with PRP or ACP » 

If the vertebrae slip out of line, this primarily causes back pain, and sometimes pain and weakness in the legs. The lower lumbar vertebrae L4/5 or L5/S1 most commonly shift alongside one another. Slipping of the vertebrae is also less common in the cervical spine.

Interventionelle Schmerztherapie »
Interventional pain management »
Multi-modal therapy »
• Manual medicine/Chirotherapy »
• Autohaemotherapy with PRP or ACP » 

Sudden severe back pain is typical for acute vertebral body compression fractures. This is usually caused by osteoporosis and usually occurs in the lower thoracic spine or upper lumbar spine. Metastases are also a less frequent cause and may have to be investigated.

Interventional pain management »
Multi-modal therapy »
• Manual medicine/Chirotherapy »
• Autohaemotherapy with PRP or ACP » 

Ankylosing spondylitis is essentially a disease of the spine. It often begins with inflammation in the sacroiliac joints. Ankylosing spondylitis can affect the entire spine or the entire axial skeleton. It is caused by bone growths that stiffen the spine. Larger joints and tendon and ligament attachments (entheses) can also be particularly affected. Ankylosing spondylitis often occurs in a very mild form. It is estimated that up to 1% of the European population suffers from this ailment. Ankylosing spondylitis is one of the autoimmune diseases; genetic predisposition plays an important role.

Interventional pain management »
Multi-modal therapy »
• Manual medicine/Chirotherapy »
• Autohaemotherapy with PRP or ACP » 

It is well known that many operations on the spine can be avoided. In the case of a planned operation, our specialists can check whether an alternative is possible.

Interventional pain management »
Multi-modal therapy »
• Manual medicine/Chirotherapy »
• Autohaemotherapy with PRP or ACP » 

Gout affects joints and soft tissues, initially often the basal joint of the big toe, in which case it is known as podagra. A gout attack is very painful. Gout has been known since ancient times as a “disease of kings”, or of people who drink wine and eat meat on a daily basis. And it is true that lifestyle plays an important role.

Obesity, lack of exercise, regular alcohol and high meat consumption have led to increasingly widespread cases of this rheumatic disease throughout Europe and the U.S. 80% of those affected by gout are male. 

Pseudogout (or chondrocalcinosis) results in gout-like joint problems. The condition causes inflammation, is painful, and can destroy a joint.

The symptoms can be acute, intermittent or chronic. Pseudogout is caused by crystalline deposits of calcium pyrophosphate (CPP). Pseudogout thus has a completely different genesis from actual gout, in that
it is caused by calcification of the joints. It is a common side effect of age-related osteoarthritis. 

Find out more under the following link:
Multi-modal therapy »

• Vertebral blockage
• Sciatica
• Lumbago
• Lumbosciatica
• Spinal curvature (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis)
• Costovertebral joint blockage or osteoarthritis
• Rheumatic pain
• CRPS (Sudeck's disease)
• Scheuermann's disease
• Nerve pain (neuropathy or polyneuropathy)
• Post-surgical pain  

Relieving pain with the help of manual medicine
Manual medicine is a scientific treatment that is performed exclusively with the hands. The treatment method therefore works without any surgical interventions. However, it may only be performed by specially trained doctors. The aim of manual medicine is to restore the mobility and function of the joints and muscles and thereby relieve pain.

Manual medicine helps with lumbago or sciatica
Manual medicine is used for back, joint or muscle complaints. Disruptions to the interaction between joints and muscles are eliminated in a few simple steps. Manual medicine can be used for acute pain such as a cricked neck, lumbago or sciatica, as well as for long-lasting complaints.

Effective and inexpensive
Manual medicine removes not only the pain but also the cause of the pain. Various studies have shown that this method is more effective and quicker than drug and physiotherapeutic treatments. Manual medical therapy costs only about a third of the price of comparable treatment methods.

The Healing Process
The healing process usually begins after the first treatment. However, the active cooperation of the patient is important for the further course of treatment. In consultation with the attending physician, a specific exercise and training programme is also established. If necessary, a physiotherapist is also involved.

You can find important information on the methodology and treatment here.

Broschures: Manuel medicine/
  Chiropractic therapy »

SAMM Website»

Find out more under the following link:
Autohaemotherapy with PRP »

Your specialists in our practice

Dr Moritz Dau

Specialist FMH, Sports medicine, SEMSInterventional pain management SSIPM
Ultrasound on the musculoskeletal system SGUM 
Manual medicine/Chirotherapy SAMM
Entire musculoskeletal system & spine

Jaroslaw Boronzcyk

Specialist in orthopaedics
Deputy Dr. Moritz Dau

Ultrasound, pain therapy, chirotherapy

Focus: Conservative therapy

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Orthopädie am Rhy